Aspiring Innkeepers Workshops

Aspiring Innkeepers Workshops
Let us Help You Make Your Dream a Reality

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Terrific Guests

Sometimes as innkeepers we get a little bogged down thinking about the specifics of owning a b&b. The workload, the money, the licenses, the supplies, the grunt work. Well, today I just want to write about how great it is to be able to play a part in people's lives and to share some of the fun parts of being an innkeeper.

Last week, we had guests who got engaged here, got married, had a baby and now have come back with their little one to stay in our cottage which is child friendly. Over the years we've seen this couple grow and create their lives together. For them, coming to stay at our b&b has marked milestones in their lives. Now, tell me a hotel that creates those kind of memories??

Just this morning a couple left and this was their first time staying at a b&b. They have a child 11 months old and this was the first time they were able to get away as a couple since her birth. The faces on this couple were beaming this morning and they are now spoiled and want to stay at more b&bs!

I guess what I'm saying is what we do as innkeepers matters. Yes, we get grumpy and tired but never let the guests know.

You may not get rich owning a b&b, but there are other riches in life. Right now, my cup overflowith.

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